21 April 2009

Scottish connections

Ah, fairest of blogosphere connoisseurs, no reports of cats or plants today, in fact, not even reporting an event on the farm but rather what we are looking forward to attending. This weekend, there are TWO Scottish (not pan-Celtic) festivals within an hour's drive of the farm. The newspaper notice which is attached is the one we have decided NOT to attend. Instead, we'll head South to Ararat, Virginia, to the old J. E. B. Stuart (General, C.S.A.) homestead for the second annual Laurel Hill Highland Games and Festival. Did I ever mention how much this area reminds us so favourably of Fife? That includes the people, God bless 'em. Many descendants of the original Scottish settlers. (Did you know that Johnny Cash traced his family back to Strathmiglo, Fife?).

Mr. Fuzzy needs to get cracking to find the box with his kilts, dirks and bonnets!

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