22 October 2015

The mercury is confounded...

Sunday night brought the first killing frost of the autumn. The atmosphere was dead still and crystal clear, yielding a sunrise temperature of 28F; some county locations reported as low as 24F. Nothing in the garden was able to survive the conditions. The cold sensitive potted plants had been hustled into the solarium, their home for the winter.

Four days later (today), the high temperature was at least 74F under brilliant sun and a navy blue sky and no freezing temperatures are indicated in the ten day forecast. Alas, that freeze was just a blip - which could have been done without.

Some trees are already totally devoid of leaves; some are at the climax of color such as this maple, and many others have yet to display even a hint of any color other than green. A confusing autumn for all.

The house plants are totally confused. Two Christmas Cacti are in full bloom and a third is about to explode into a riot of colors and forms.

Some outdoor flora are a tad off balance as well. The Forsythias are blooming with more vigor than they displayed last spring - even as their leaves become a beautiful bronze for the fall.

At least the chrysanthemums know what date is on the calendar and are brightening the patio amidst the skeletons of their long bloomed out companions.

May your autumn be beautiful and bring much delight to you, dear reader.

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