20 October 2014


It has been a goal since moving to Virginia to take day and weekend trips to explore this beautiful and historic state. Alas, the farm and life have prevented the regularity of these peregrinations but a golden opportunity arose last week to spend a day in Lynchburg, a town totally unknown to Mr. Fuzzy, other than two good friends were raised there.

Thomas Jefferson had his second home near the town and wrote: "Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be useful to the town of Lynchburg. I consider it as the most interesting spot in the state." Well, it seems to still be a fetching city based on last week's visit.

Time was limited and following a long-held philosophy of learning more about a smaller area rather than skimming a large area, Mr. Fuzzy stayed in downtown. The downtown is intact and vibrant with excellent preservation of old (pre-1900) buildings, all of which were occupied and in fine condition.

There was an classy coffee shop (oh, that Floyd should possess such a space) with adult patrons in a subdued but thoroughly interesting atmosphere. But rather than show you the interior, their front door summarizes the business. Click to enlarge the photo to be able to read the bottom sign!

Bailey-Spencer Hardware has been in its location for most of a century and is a treasure trove of new old stock and items required to restore historic architecture. The president, Scott Pearl, waited on Mr. Fuzzy. This was a step back into time when most facets of life were more appealing.

A door or two away was the most wonderful book store Mr. Fuzzy has wandered into since Betsy's in Cupar. Although no book purchase was made, an hilarious cat-humor greeting card came home, so good it is likely to be framed rather than sent. The proprietor's lap was occupied by a wee black and white cat. This minimalist space was soothing, quieting, relaxing and made the customer want to spend the day searching for great literature.

Next stop was the Old City Cemetery, opened in 1806 as a public burial grounds. Unlike many old cemeteries, the tomb stones were very modest. There is a large section where the Confederate fatalities from the military hospital are buried. After one battle alone, 6,000 Confederate casualties were sent to the hospitals there. Before the War had ended, more than 20,000 soldiers had been treated there, about 3,000 succumbing to their wounds and diseases. It is not depressing per se, but sobering, to stand where they are interred.

05 October 2014


After the last several posts with autumnal coloration, perhaps you, dear reader, might enjoy resting your cones (color sensors in your eyes) and observe Mr Fuzzy's world in monochrome. Those of you who have known Mr. Fuzzy more than a decade will recall his 'arty' photography was always monochrome and he has rediscovered the joys and special aesthetic vision of monochrome with the Panasonic GX7 camera.

A few weeks ago, the talented photographer (and dear friend) Tillman Crane stopped in for a day. Mr. Fuzzy always learns at least one key operational concept of photography from Tillman and this visit was no exception. Watching Mr. Crane use his Fuji X Pro 1 camera, it was observed his viewing screen displayed the scene in black & white. Naturally, the inquiry was made: why and how? His answer swayed Mr. Fuzzy to experiment with the same method and below you may peruse some of  the better class of outcomes.

The Panasonic Lumix GX7C camera is a relatively new(2008)  format pioneered by Olympus and Panasonic denominated "micro four thirds."  Its a small sensor but still larger than those used in most compact digital cameras. In theory, sensor size is key to tonality (dynamic range), low noise, and other important variables in digital imaging. In practice, however, those apparent limits are barely noticeable. On the other hand, the small sensor allows for a much smaller camera body and commensurately smaller lenses, such that the system you carry weighs a fraction of the larger sensor-packing cameras. The night scene above was taken more than an hour after sunset; the eye could discern no tone int he sky whatsoever. This was shot on 'idiot' mode with the camera making all determinations. Hand held at 1/13 second. You may have another opinion but this seems almost miraculous to Mr. Fuzzy.


The fogs have been plentiful and of fine quality in the last few weeks. Some have laid for hours, some have evaporated with the first warmth of the sun, but all reveal new glories of Floyd county for those who wish to see them.

As always, you may click on any image to enlarge it, should you so desire.

Stay well and content yourselves.