10 July 2010


This morning I was given a free chicken as my friend Jon had one too many roosters. Why I needed another I do not know. Apparently New Roo had the same idea. When I let him out of his crate in the coop I'd failed to close the pop hole when I closed the door and he flew out.... Through the hole, over two fences, and squawking his little lungs out into the pine woods behind the chicken pen.

Can you say "............... Mrs. Fuzzy!" Yeah, I can't print the words I thought at myself as I gathered up a dozen or so cups, a jug of water, and some flagging to put water out for the frightened little guy. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Anyway, I spent an hour or more putting out little cups of water all over that section, pouring water into every little hollow that would hold it as I found them, and keeping an eye out for the little bugger.

Hopefully he'll discover the big water bucket near the pen, and the food I put out, and stick around even if he doesn't decide to join the flock. All we can do now is pray that he returns.

NOT a good week for chickens! I feel so stupid.


Mr. Cock-a-doodle Roo still has not come home as of Sunday mid-day but we hear him down by the creek crowing his freedom call. He sounds happy. Maybe he understands that he very narrowly escaped the soup pot? Late yesterday afternoon I went out to check on the chickadoos and did a little head count. Discovered that my missing hen, Rumpy, had returned. All their little wings are now clipped so there will be no more flights of fancy for this flock! Mr. Roo is due the same should he decide to join the flock. It's the price of access to the hens.

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