17 March 2015


Yesterday the high temperature here on the farm was 72F despite a very slow start in warming. It was a typical spring day with a very gusty winds from almost every point of the compass. Information from the National Weather Service indicated this was a cool temperature for the region:

It almost certain that the first daffodil will open today. The forecast low for tonight is 30F and a significant cold front is headed this way. Spring? Winter? Both? Either?

As noted in the prior post, the conditions on I-81 in central and northern Virginia whilst driving to the Honourable Company of Horners meeting were far from ideal. My passenger would take the wheel and your author would stick a camera out the window to capture a few scenes for you, good readers. They require no comment except to note there were proportionally as many cars as trucks but the latter were easier to capture for your edification.

1 comment:

JudyB said...

Glad you got there safely and had a great time!