Hi Honey, what did you do today?
Well. sweetheart, Eric and I worked on getting the bedroom floor laid down and then your old college buddies drove down from Roanoke for a wee visit. How was your day?
Did you get the snow pictures from this morning?
Oh yes... I can't believe you got ten inches in Santa Fe!
We got two or three more after I took those pics. I shoveled snow most of the day. We have a looooonnng driveway, you know! I'm awfully glad I broke your old shovel. That new ergonomic one sure made it easier.
Why did it take you all day, sweetie?
I shoveled the whole drive... The snow is too deep for the Honda to push through. I feel pretty good about it... even managed to beat the trash truck at two! Good thing too as last week's snow was on trash day too and I didn't beat the truck then. Oh, and I cut a path to the wood pile and cleared the turn around too.
Sweetie... I cleared that drive and I'm gonna USE it. Those cats wouldn't even come out and keep me company. Not even Grover. He's turned into a snow wimp. I mean, the high was a balmy 32 degrees. Didn't even need my coat once I got going. I'm gonna take a shower and go to LV's party tonight.
Drive safely.
I will. And I have a box of bird seed in the back in case I need traction. We're not supposed to get more snow until the wee hours, so I should be Ok.
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